All Greek To Me

What it’s like to be friends with my friends, a sample conversation from lunch:

Richard: I feel like your Twitter personality is about 30% more pedantic than you are in real life.

John: I traffic in irony. I try to cultivate an ironic personality on Twitter. But I’m told maybe it doesn’t come across.

Me: What is up with you and Thucydides? You’re always bringing him up.

John: It’s not just MY thing. History of the Peloponnesian War one of the foundations of Western thought!

Richard: I didn’t read it just once, I read it TWICE.

John: I taught a semester long class on it. I’ve read several translations, but the Hobbes is the best one. Shoot, I’ve read it in CHINESE! [Pauses.] Of course you should read it in the original Greek.

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