Election Day 2002

There’s this awesome reporter, Brad, who is pretty much my hero, so I thought I’d share some WFAA.com | Dallas-Fort Worth | Watch Video video so everyone could watch him do his thing.

I on the other hand, had a pretty exciting election day. We covered the victory party sites for both statewide dems and republicans in St. Louis along with the national media, like CNN and FOX. So there we amateurs were, up on the press risers getting hooked up and with lights shining on our faces and mikes in hand, all going live at five, six and ten, side by side and yelling over national news correspondents. They gave us snotty looks all the time because we looked obviously about 20 years younger than all of them, but, well, there we were. That’s what makes Mizzou good though.

Schmoozed a whole lot at the republican event, cause sometimes I just cant hide my republican-ness. Got to be pretty tight with newly elected Senator Jim Talent’s press secretary, Rich.

Didn’t come home until three. It was a LONG drive back in the news cars, which are these Kia Sportages that I am always scared are going to suddenly roll over and kill me. NOT SAFE. Never buy a kia sportage.

Probably more to share, but I am like real sick. It was rainy and wet and cold yesterday, and I was running around in a skirt and haven’t slept right since about 1997. Totally taking the Advil cold and sinus, so hopefully things will improve soon.

One thought on “Election Day 2002

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